Are you sure you want to give up now?

“It is the choices we make at the forks in the road
that determine the shape of our life”
I am so sad you want to leave the eLearning and Instructional Design for Beginners Mastermind Community.
Before you go, I encourage you to reconsider.
I know that all of the steps to starting a career in instructional design can get overwhelming.
I don't want YOU to be one of those people that give up.
Click here if you want to keep moving forward with your career in instructional design and need help!
Feel like throwing in the towel? I have been there!

When we started out, I was a single mom of my daughter Willa, who at the time was just 6 years old. Finding time was tough, but I did it and so can you!
"I just don't have time for this..."
When I started out, a number of challenges nearly derailed me from my instructional design dreams.
I worked a full-time job while I was in school for my master's degree in eLearning and instructional design.
I was also a single mother.
70 hour work weeks was the norm, and I was always tired.
I often thought, "Do I have time to start a new career in instructional design right now?"
But I used that as motivation, took control of my time, and made my career dreams my priority!
NOT QUITTING was the most important early decision I made. I just kept fighting for my dreams.
Even when learning new technology was tough.
Even when I had piles and piles of projects.
Even when life got in the way, or didn't get that first or second job that I had applied for.
I stuck with it, and was able to land my first contract freelance position and become an instructional designer!
NOW I have more time than I ever imagined.
I work from home, set my own schedule, and work less than ever before.
If I had quit, I might not be where I am today!
If you are having trouble managing your priority list, or finding time to build your instructional design skills, I have resources that can help you get back on track.
You are not alone. I can help!
Click here to jump back into the Mentorship and Support Forums and share where you're stuck and get encouragement from hundreds of other like-minded, new and aspiring instructional designers.
"I just can't spend the money right now..."
I totally feel your pain.
When I started my path to instructional design, I was a school teacher in Port Orange, Florida.
I was living paycheck-to-paycheck.
By the end of the month after the mortgage, the groceries, gas for the cars and all the other bills I had VERY little left to spend on building my skills.
I almost gave up because I didn't think I had the money to stick with it.
Then I realized two LIFE CHANGING principles:
The way we spend our time & money is our TRUE priority list in life!
We don’t SPEND money on our instructional design career, we INVEST money in our instructional design career to BUILD a better future!
I looked at my budget.
Did I REALLY need to be spending money on Cable TV? Was that a good use of my time?
Was that REALLY good use of time or money?
NO. It was not.
So I canceled Cable and saved over $100 a month to invest in my education.
I was saving for a new car, which I could put money down on and pay a payment.
But I decided to use that money on my instructional design skills…when I was making more, I'd buy a car with cash.
The old one would have to do!
That saved me another $400 a month.
I said to myself, ” When my instructional design career takes off, I’ll buy a new car with cash!”
I was determined to sacrifice a little now to gain a lot later!
Now? All the sacrifices paid off!
I paid cash for my new car, and bought the house of my dreams (FIRST TIME HOME OWNER!)

I made my instructional design career the priority, sacrificed, and invested in my future.
Looking back, a few years later it’s scary to think where I would be if we had not found the money to finish my building my portfolio and successfully landing a job.
Probably in the same place: paycheck-to-paycheck, 9-to-5, and no chance at anything more.
Where will you be in a few years?
What could you change to free up money for your instructional design career?
Are you REALLY all in and investing as you should?
How can you do what it takes to invest in YOUR future?
I can help!
Click here, and post an instructional design budget question in the forums!
We will help you with your budgets and make suggestions to free up the money you need to invest in your instructional design career!
If you still need to cancel, we understand.
We will miss you in our eLearning and Instructional Design for Beginners family!
My goal is to always help my members make the best decisions for what’s next in their life.
If you want to keep going, click here to log into our community and get help with your next steps.
Pause your account and postpone billing for a few months so that you don't lose your locked in rate and don't need to sign up again. Click here.
If you are truly ready to cancel, just continue to fill out the cancellation form.
Please note if you cancel now, you will lose access to the eLearning and Instructional Design for Beginners Mastermind Community, and your current membership rate. I raise prices from time to time. If you rejoin later, you will have to return at the current monthly price as your current price will be unavailable.
eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners Mastermind Community Membership Cancellation Form
Thanks for being a part of the eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners Mastermind Community. We’re sorry to see you go!
To cancel, click here to review the eTeach Online Cancellation Policy you agreed to at the time of purchase, then fill out the form below.
Note: When you submit this form, you will be unable to access your account. While your membership should immediately cancel, there is the possibility that something is not triggered properly, so we manually check each cancellation to verify this. Our team will handle the requests in the order they’re received (within 48 hours of receipt).
If you want to remain a member until your next billing date, it’s your responsibility to submit this form at that time, or contact support to make arrangements after completing this form.