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Unlocking Flowcharts for eLearning Success

Like a GPS for learning, flowcharts steer eLearners smoothly through the twists and turns of knowledge acquisition.

In this week’s podcast episode, you will discover five essential tips for developing high-quality flowcharts. Get ready to take your flowcharting skills to the next level with this must-listen episode!


Essential Learning Points:

  • How a flowchart visually represents the sequence of steps and decision points in a process.
  • Poorly prepared flowcharts can confuse and mislead, so clarity is crucial.
  • Clear communication is essential for securing funding and progressing through design, implementation, and evaluation stages.

Key Quotes:

  • "The more time you spend elaborating on details of script, graphics, and functionality in your flowcharts and storyboards in the beginning, the more time you will save in the development of your instruction."
  • "Producing a clear and detailed flowchart requires you to begin with a brief overview of the process or instruction and progress to the level of detail that is necessary for your instruction."
  • "The more complex the instructional plan, the more detailed your flowchart should be."


Important Links and Mentions:

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