A flowchart is a graphical representation or diagramed sequence showing the flow of control among the steps in an eLearning course. It indicates sequences and decision points as well as starting and stopping points.
Flowcharts are highly useful tools for visually conveying information about the design of an online course to developers, graphic artists, and subject matter experts (SMEs).
The more time you spend elaborating on details of script, graphics, and functionality in your flowchart in the beginning, the more time you will save in the development of your instruction.
In the instructional design framework, flowcharts provide a birds-eye view showing the structure and sequence of a lesson.
Even more importantly, the better your flowcharts convey your instructional plan to your client, the more likely you are to obtain client approval and funding!
Flowcharts are especially very useful for instructional designers who are, for the most part, beginner or occasional designers.
You may feel that, as an instructional designer, there is little if any need for you to learn about flowcharts. This is an incorrect assumption.
Whatever area of instructional design you're in, you need to at least know how to read flowcharts.
For example, instructional designers use flowcharts to depict steps to follow when performing a task. Through the use of flowcharts, you can convey to someone else the steps and decisions someone performs when they do something. The symbols used are universal and they allow you to condense a lot of information into a little space.
In addition, flowcharts can be used:
- as a springboard for further discussion of the process;
- to connect with other flowcharts explaining related activities;
- to identify points where data can be usefully collected and analyzed;
- to isolate possible problem areas; and
- to communicate the process to those unfamiliar with it.
Want to Learn More?
Join the eLearning & Instructional Design for Beginners Community to learn all the steps in designing high quality flowcharts as well as everything else you need to know about creating innovative online courses. Applying these suggestions will allow you to make flowcharts that are easier to read, understand, and use for your eLearning course.
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